Japanese Company in Crisis
Fiona Graham
Not Available
Institutional and Technological Change in Japan's Economy
Janet Hunter
Christopher Cardiff University and 1 more
Japan's Foreign Aid
David Arase
Political Reform in Japan
Alisa Southwestern University and 1 more
Christopher Hood
The Ethics of Aesthetics in Japanese Cinema and Literature
Nina Cornyetz
War Memory, Nationalism, and Education in Postwar Japan, 1945-2007
Yoshiko Nozaki
Population Decline and Ageing in Japan - The Social Consequences
Florian Coulmas
The Changing Japanese Family
Marcus Rebick
War Memory, Nationalism and Education in Postwar Japan
Yoshiko University at Buffalo and 2 more
Cities, Autonomy, and Decentralization in Japan
Carola Hein
Zainichi Korean Identity and Ethnicity
David University of South Australia and 1 more
Perversion and Modern Japan
A Life Adrift
Soeda Azembo and 1 more
Challenges of Human Resource Management in Japan
Ralf Kobe University and 2 more
Linguistic Stereotyping and Minority Groups in Japan
Nanette University of Queensland and 1 more
Japanese Love Hotels
Sarah University of Greenwich and 1 more
Japan's Contested War Memories
Philip A Seaton
Postwar History Education in Japan and the Germanys
Liz Haslam and 2 more
Civil Society and the Internet in Japan
Isa Ducke
The Novels of Oe Kenzaburo
Yasuko Claremont
Homosexuality and Manliness in Japan
Jonathan D Mackintosh
Japanese-Russian Relations, 1907–2007
Joseph University of Washington and 2 more
Marriage in Contemporary Japan
Yoko formerly at the University of Hong Kong Tokuhiro
Ralf Bebenroth and 1 more
Japan in the Age of Globalization
Carin Holroyd
Nina Cornyetz and 1 more
The Rise of Japanese NGOs
Kim D Reimann
Japanese Aid and the Construction of Global Development
David Richard Leheny and 1 more
A New Japan for the Twenty-First Century
Rien T Segers
A Japanese Joint Venture in the Pacific
Kate Barclay
Adoption in Japan
Peter Hayes and 3 more
Japanese Apologies for World War II
Jane Wayne State University and 1 more
Janet Hunter and 1 more
Small Firms and Innovation Policy in Japan
Cornelia Storz
Language Life in Japan
Patrick Heinrich
Dealing With Disaster in Japan
Narrelle University of Melbourne and 1 more
The Quest for Japan's New Constitution
Christian G Chuo University and 1 more
The Ethics of Japan's Global Environmental Policy
Midori KagawaFox
Social Networks and Japanese Democracy
Kenichi Ikeda and 1 more
Party Politics in Japan
Ronald J Hrebenar
Visions of Precarity in Japanese Popular Culture and Literature
Kristina IwataWeickgenannt
Nationalism, Political Realism and Democracy in Japan
Fumiko Sasaki
Legacies of the Asia-Pacific War
Roman University of Sydney and 1 more
Examining Japan's Lost Decades
Yoichi Funabashi
EU-Japan Relations, 1970-2012
Jörn Keck
Negotiating Censorship in Modern Japan
Rachael Hutchinson
Sound, Space and Sociality in Modern Japan
Joseph D Hankins
Diplomacy in Japan-EU Relations
Oliviero University of Naples and 1 more
Japanese Femininities
Justin Charlebois
Mental Health Care in Japan
Ruth Taplin
Social Inequality in Post-Growth Japan
David Chiavacci
Career Women in Contemporary Japan
Anne Stefanie Yale University and 1 more
Yoichi Funabashi and 1 more
Religion and Psychotherapy in Modern Japan
Christopher Harding
Superhuman Japan
Marie Thorsten
Heritage Conservation and Japan's Cultural Diplomacy
Natsuko Akagawa
Intercultural Communication in Japan
Satoshi Toyosaki
Internationalising Japan
Jeremy Monash University and 1 more
Japan, Russia and their Territorial Dispute
James D J Brown
Kristina IwataWeickgenannt and 1 more
Decision-Making Reform in Japan
Karol University of Lodz and 1 more
Japan's Local Newspapers
Anthony Hirosaki University and 1 more
Japan and the High Treason Incident
Masako Bond University and 1 more
Japan's Foreign Aid to Africa
Pedro Amakasu University of Lusiada and 1 more
Japanese Women in Science and Engineering
Naonori Kodate and 3 more
Regional Administration in Japan
Shunsuke Kimura
David Chiavacci and 1 more
Japan's Border Issues
Akihiro Iwashita
Fukushima and the Arts
Barbara Geilhorn and 1 more
The End of Cool Japan
Mark University of Queensland and 1 more
Being Young in Super-Aging Japan
Patrick University CaFoscari and 2 more
Japanese Media at the Beginning of the 21st Century
Katsuyuki Hidaka
Trauma, Dissociation and Re-enactment in Japanese Literature and Film
David Stahl
Local Politics and National Policy
Ken Victor Leonard Hijino
Rethinking Japanese Studies
Kaori Okano
Japan's Quest for Stability in Southeast Asia
Taizo Miyagi
Cultural and Social Division in Contemporary Japan
Yoshikazu Shiobara
Gender and the Koseki In Contemporary Japan
Linda White
Japan’s Colonial Moment in Southeast Asia 1942-1945
Nakano Satoshi
Political Sociology of Japanese Pacifism
Yukiko Nagoya University and 1 more
Animism in Contemporary Japan
Shoko Yoneyama
Zainichi Korean Women in Japan
Jackie J KimWachutka
The Japanese Communist Party
Peter Professor Emeritus and 3 more
Ronald J Hrebenar and 1 more
In Stock
£35.99 £39.99
Japanese Culture Through Videogames
Rachael University of Delaware and 1 more
Social Trauma, Narrative Memory, and Recovery in Japanese Literature and Film
Japan's Nationalist Right in the Internet Age
Jeffrey J Hall
Somaesthetics and the Philosophy of Culture
Satoshi Higuchi
£121.50 £135.00
Locating Heisei in Japanese Fiction and Film
Marc Yamada
Yoshikazu Shiobara and 2 more
Masculinity and Body Weight in Japan
Genaro CastroVázquez
New Frontiers in Japanese Studies
Akihiro Ogawa
Japanese Media and the Intelligentsia after Fukushima
Katsuyuki Risumeikan University and 2 more
Social Change in Japan, 1989-2019
Carola Hommerich and 2 more
Avant-Garde Art and Non-Dominant Thought in Postwar Japan
K Yoshida
Sexual Abuse and Education in Japan
Robert Ritsumeikan University and 2 more
Wildlife, Landscape Use and Society
Ken Sugimura
Japanese War Orphans
Jiaxin Zhong
Japan’s Nationalist Right in the Internet Age
Jeffrey J Waseda University and 1 more
Women and Political Inequality in Japan
Mikiko Eto
Japanese Digital Cultural Promotion
Nadejda Ritsumeikan University and 1 more
The Coronavirus Pandemic in Japanese Literature and Popular Culture
Mina Tokyo University of Foreign Studies and 1 more
Japanese Media and the Intelligentsia After Fukushima
Zainichi Koreans and Mental Health
Taeyoung Toyo University and 1 more
Japanese Public Diplomacy in European Countries
Nadejda Gadjeva
The Origin of Japan’s Protectionist Agricultural Policy
Hironori Sasada
The Crisis in Pro Baseball and Japan’s Lost Decade
Paul Dunscomb
Civil Defense in Japan
Yasuhiro Tokyo International University and 1 more
Mobile Japanese Migrants to the Pacific West and East
Etsuko Kato
Critical Review of the Abe Administration
Lay Zen in Contemporary Japan
Erez Joskovich
The Japanese Comedy Boom
Till Weingartner
Japanese Whaling and the People Behind It
Nadzeya Shutava
Space and Play in Japanese Videogame Arcades
Jérémie PelletierGagnon
Dark Heritage in Contemporary Japan
JungSun N Han
Robert OMochain and 1 more
Translation and the Borders of Contemporary Japanese Literature
Victoria Young
Immigration and Quality of Life in Ageing Societies
Aeneas Zi Wang and 2 more
Basketball in Japan
Aaron L Miller
Financial Euphoria, Consumer Culture, and Literature of 1980S Japan
Ikuho Amano
Japanese Propriety, Past and Present
The Presidentialization of Japanese Politics
Masahiro Iwasaki
Border-Crossing Japanese Literature
Akiko Uchiyama and 1 more
Civil Society and International Students in Japan
Polina Ivanova
Political Economy of the Tokyo Olympics
Miyo Aramata
Japan's Triple Disaster
Natalia Novikova and 2 more
Alternative Virtues
Koji Tachibana
Mina Qiao
The Japanese Restaurant
Iori Hamada
The Crisis in Pro Baseball and Japan's Lost Decade
The Origin of Japan's Protectionist Agricultural Policy
Challenging Nuclear Pacifism in Japan
Masae Yuasa
Immediacy in Contemporary Japanese Literature and Popular Culture
Filippo Cervelli
Migration, Aging and Japan's Sustainable Society
Igor Saveliev and 1 more
Zen Buddhism, Personalism and the Ethics of Globalisation
Gerald Cipriani
Alisa Gaunder
David Chapman
Narelle Morris
Carin Holroyd and 1 more
Christopher P Hood
Manga and the Representation of Japanese History
Roman Rosenbaum
Satoshi Toyosaki and 1 more
Patrick Heinrich and 1 more
Social Trauma, Narrative Memory and Recovery in Japanese Literature and Film
David C Stahl